AACR CEO Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc): Welcome to the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
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Greetings, everyone!
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research! We have not been together at an AACR Annual Meeting since 2019, and I’m so pleased that in two weeks we will be in person in New Orleans. For those of you who won’t be able to attend in person this year, we are pleased to be able to offer the 2022 Annual Meeting in a virtual format.

The theme of this year’s meeting, “Decoding Cancer Complexity, Integrating Science, Transforming Patient Outcomes,” reflects the enormous progress that the worldwide cancer research community is making across the spectrum of cancer science and medicine. The members of our Annual Meeting Program Committee, Education Committee, and Clinical Trials Committee have worked very hard to develop an exciting multidisciplinary program that delves into the various facets of cancer etiology, progression, and treatment and the factors that influence each individual patient’s experience, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle factors.
I’m so thrilled that our return to an in-person meeting coincides with a major milestone for the AACR, as we celebrate our 115th anniversary. We have chosen a special theme to celebrate this milestone: “AACR: The Driving Force to Eradicate Cancer.” This fitting theme reflects the fact that the world’s first and largest cancer organization brings together key stakeholders in all areas of cancer research—basic, translational, and clinical researchers; cancer prevention and population science researchers; practicing oncologists; cancer survivors and patient advocates; and policymakers in the many sectors represented in the field, i.e., academia, government, industry, and nonprofit organizations and private foundations, to make valuable connections, build collaborations, and discover breakthrough advances in pursuit of our mission to prevent and cure all cancers.
This year’s program will feature five plenary sessions and a wrap-up plenary session, four clinical trial plenary sessions, three clinical trial minisymposia, 51 major symposia, 37 advances sessions, 10 special sessions, 34 minisymposia featuring proffered abstracts, and more than 5,000 poster presentations featuring proffered abstracts, in addition to the many educational and networking opportunities.
I would especially like to thank AACR Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair, Marcia R. Cruz-Correa, MD, PhD, for spearheading and overseeing the planning of the AACR Annual Meeting 2022. We are very grateful to Dr. Cruz-Correa, to AACR President David A. Tuveson, MD, PhD, FAACR, to expert members of our Program Committee, and to the entire AACR staff for bringing you a spectacular scientific and clinical program as well as opportunities for stimulating discussions and fruitful collaborations. If you miss anything from this expansive program while you are in New Orleans, recordings of the scientific and educational sessions can be viewed on our virtual meeting platform through July 13, 2022.
I am also very happy to announce that AACR Meeting News, the official digital news source of the AACR Annual Meeting 2022, will bring you information on the cutting-edge cancer research advances to be presented and the exciting meeting news and events before, during, and after the meeting. Please be on a look out for these emails. We trust you find them helpful and informative!
See you soon in New Orleans!